First, the Foundation

Is sobriety all that we can expect of a spiritual awakening? No, sobriety is only a bare beginning.


Practicing the A.A. program is like building a house. First I had to pour a big, thick concrete slab on which to erect the house; that to me was the equivalent of stopping drinking. But it's pretty uncomfortable living on a concrete slab, unprotected and exposed to the heat, cold, wind and rain. So I built a room on the slab, by starting to practice the program. The first room was rickety because I wasn't used to the work. But as time passed, as I practiced the program, I learned to build better rooms. The more I practiced, and the more I built, the more comfortable, and happy, was the home I now have to live in.

From the book Daily Reflections
© Copyright 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.