Condado 12 & 12
Group Inventory
By group conscience, we have decided to take a group inventory to evaluate how well we are fulfilling our primary purpose: to help alcoholics recover through A.A.’s suggested Twelve Steps of recovery. Not all questions are applicable to everyone, but we encourage you to express yourself as succinctly, kindly, and honestly as possible for us to strengthen our community and outreach. Thank you for your service and dedication to the health of our community.
The group conscience is the collective conscience of a group membership and thus represents substantial unanimity on an issue before definitive action is taken. This is achieved by the group members through the sharing of full information, individual points of view, and the practice of A.A. principles. To be fully informed requires a willingness to listen to minority opinions with an open mind.
On sensitive issues, the group works slowly – discouraging formal motions, until a clear sense of its collective view emerges. Placing principles before personalities, the membership is wary of dominant opinions. Its voice is heard when a well–informed group arrives at a decision. The result rests on more than a “yes” or “no” count – precisely because it is the spiritual expression of the group conscience. The term “informed group conscience” implies that pertinent information has been studied, and all views have been heard before the group votes.
Deadline for submissions: August 13 (all submissions are anonymous).
In order to ensure the accuracy of the information we kindly ask you to submit your answers via this web form. If you would like a copy of the questions to print, or for archival purposes, that is available here:
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